How to be Happy and Enjoy the Moment

It’s so important to be happy in the moment and it’s really hard thing for a lot of people to do.  A lot of times we let our outside world, our external environment, influence our internal emotional state.   We are usually at the affect end of the spectrum instead of the cause; that is the emotions from the environment are affecting us instead of being in control of our own emotions in our own happiness, you’re more focused on what’s going on in the environment around you and what people are thinking about you.   Instead you should control your thoughts and control your own emotions and have confidence in yourself.  Be that very very confident person that doesn’t need external factors to keep them feeling a certain way.  You as a confident person in your self can feel any way you want based on your own thoughts and you don’t have to be influenced by your external environment.  Something that really helps with this is a lot of self-confidence.  Self-confidence is something that’s hard to have, self-confidence comes from within, though it’s not about what people around you think, it’s about what you think about yourself.   You must have total confidence, positive thoughts, and good emotions about yourself if you don’t want your emotions to be dictated by other peoples thoughts of you.   You are going to be a very happy person if on the other hand you control your own emotions and you are happy despite what other people think about you then you are really going to be something.

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