The Definitive Guide to Finding Time to a Workout with a Busy Schedule


1. Put it into your calendar

Decide today that you are going to actually schedule time and put it in your calendar so you get reminded when you look at your daily schedule.

2. Start simple

Start by just using a foam roller, a tennis ball, and having a stretching routine.  This will be plenty of a workout and you will be preparing yourself for your future advanced workout.

3. Find time at lunch

Lunch time is the perfect time to workout.  Bring yourself a lunch that doesn’t take much effort to eat and spend your lunch working out instead of spending time eating or preparing your lunch.

4. Combine recreation and exercise time

If you really really can’t find time to workout then whenever you have planned fun time then try and make it a fun physical activity.

5. Workout on the weekends

During the weekends is usually when we can find some free time.  It is totally acceptable to just workout during the weekend.  If you workout at least 2 times per week then you can maintain, for the most part, your current fitness level.

6. Spend time with friends and workout

Combine hanging out with your friends and working out.  Having a workout partner is way more enjoyable then not and you are killing 2 birds with 1 stone.

7. Make a date with your workout

Workout Friday night or Saturday night.  The gym is open and you should not be going out every weekend and every weekend evening because that is just too much partying.  If you can find time to party ten you should be able to find time to workout.  There should be a balance between the 2.


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